
This chapter contains links to resources we’ve found helpful as we’ve learned and used Julia.

Documentation & Tutorials#




  • Revise.jl, a package to watch and automatically reload Julia scripts when they change. Useful for testing code as you write it.

  • Literate.jl for literate programming—generate formatted documents from comments in a Julia source file.

  • Statistical modeling

    • Distributions.jl provides sampling functions and density/distribution functions for common probability distributions.

    • Flux.jl provides native Julia support for statistical modeling and machine learning. Some models are GPU-accelerated.

    • Turing.jl provides probabilistic programming and Bayesian modeling functions.

  • Unitful.jl to assign low- or no-overhead units to values and automatically perform appropriate conversions.

  • JuMP.jl, a domain-specific language for mathematical optimization in Julia.

  • CUDA.jl for low-level GPU computing support.

  • Symbolics.jl, a computer algebra system for Julia.

  • Genie, a web framework similar to Django.